Lockdown v3.0: Finding the pos in a negroni
Well, chez Last But One Drink(s) is in full-on tier 4 COVID-19 lockdown here in London. Following our post yesterday, more messages have come in from friends feeling negative. And, yes, this is a negative time.
However, at Last But One Drink(s), with so many good beverages on hand, we believe in relentless positivity. So, with that in mind, what drink do we need in hand today?
A negroni. It takes something bitter, mixes in something sweet and adds an alcoholic resolve. Take that, Lockdown v3.0.
30ml Campari
30ml sweet vermouth [normally, we recommend Carpano Antica Formula but today we've decided to up the pep a little by using Punt e Mes, which adds a little more bittersweetness than a regular sweet vermouth]
30ml London dry gin
Stir all the ingredients together over ice.
Double strain over one large ice cube. Express a twist of orange over the top and swipe around the rim, then discard. Add a second twist of orange to the glass.
Enjoy. Savour. Remember this as a positive memory of Lockdown 3.0.